Newsletter March 2017


Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

Tullow, Co.Carlow

 29 March 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

  We had a great response to our postcard campaign – thank you all very much for your prompt return of same.On March 9th Mrs. Doheny (principal Boys School), Michael Byrne (Tullow SCP) and myself met Mr. Richard Bruton, Minister for Education in Leinster House with Mr. Pat Deering T.D.  We presented the minister with the postcards and he took our concerns re. Tullow’s non-inclusion in the recent round of extra educational supports on board.

It was down to the efforts of Pat Deering T.D. that this meeting took place – he has been fully supportive of the efforts of both schools and has done everything in this power to help us.

On Monday of last week we met with the local area representatives, Ms. Kathleen Funchion T.D., Senator Jennifer Murnane and local councillors William Paton and John Pender.  Again, Mr. Pat Deering also attended this meeting.  All have promised to do what they can on behalf of the two schools.

Where to from here?

We await the publication of the C.S.O. figures from last year’s census.  Hopefully, when we go through those we will have more information to support our case.

Photographs – 6th Class and Junior Infants

If you wish to purchase photos please return order and payment by Tuesday next April 4th.

Headlice: Again, we have been informed of the presence of head lice.  Please ensure your daughter’s hair is properly tied up/back to ensure she doesn’t pick up headlice.  This is a constant problem in girls school.  However, the problem can be eliminated if due care is taken – try to prevent the problem by keeping hair tied up.  If infestation does occur, treat the problem immediately.

There was a meeting of the Parents Association last week.  It was decided to ask you all would you consider joining the Parents Association.  It would be great to have each class represented.  This would ensure that Parents voices are heard.  The Parents Association plays a major part in developing school policies.  If you would like to attend the next meeting, Tuesday May 2nd, please give Fiona your number and email address.

Cyberbullying Workshop takes place on Wednesday 5th April at 6.45p.m. in Forwards Steps.  Booking in advance is required.  Contact Nicola on 087-7916121 or 059-9180010 to book a place.

Mobile Phones:  Pupils are not allowed to have mobile phones in school.  If a pupil is found with a phone it is confiscated and given to the principal.  The parents/guardians of the pupil is contacted and must come to the school for a meeting with the principal.  Please encourage your daughter to abide by this policy.

  National Spring Clean

All classes are looking forward to our annual ‘Spring Clean’ on Thursday 6th April – weather permitting.  If girls chose to bring in gloves etc. please ensure their names are written on them.

Signed:- Anne Kennelly
