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Mr Reagan’s third class had lots of fun creating some spooky Halloween Art.
This gallery contains 1 photo.
Mr Reagan’s third class had lots of fun creating some spooky Halloween Art.
This gallery contains 5 photos.
Senior Infants have been very busy making Christmas cards this week. They also worked together to make a giant Christmas tree from Christmas baubles! Doesn’t it look amazing? Senior Infants are also working hard on their listening skills this term. Take a … Continue reading
This gallery contains 5 photos.
First Class have been learning all about space. They made spaceships, designed their own rocketship and wrote a story entitled, ‘A Day in Space’
3rd class have been busy getting their art work ready for Art Appreciation… Take a look at them below.
This gallery contains 7 photos.
Ms. Byrne’s 1st class have been very busy over the last few weeks working on their art skills. They have also been working hard on their Gaeilge sentences. They created lovely prayers to remind us of what we are thankful … Continue reading
First class have been very busy creating some fabulous art pieces over the last few weeks, such talented girls.
This gallery contains 4 photos.
6th class really enjoyed getting outdoors and drawing what they observed this week. The girls captured some beautiful Autumn images and learned all about the importance of line and texture. Well done girls!
This gallery contains 26 photos.
Take a look at the great work going on in Senior Infants for Valentines Day below!