Newsletter March 2017


Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

Tullow, Co.Carlow

 29 March 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

  We had a great response to our postcard campaign – thank you all very much for your prompt return of same.On March 9th Mrs. Doheny (principal Boys School), Michael Byrne (Tullow SCP) and myself met Mr. Richard Bruton, Minister for Education in Leinster House with Mr. Pat Deering T.D.  We presented the minister with the postcards and he took our concerns re. Tullow’s non-inclusion in the recent round of extra educational supports on board.

It was down to the efforts of Pat Deering T.D. that this meeting took place – he has been fully supportive of the efforts of both schools and has done everything in this power to help us.

On Monday of last week we met with the local area representatives, Ms. Kathleen Funchion T.D., Senator Jennifer Murnane and local councillors William Paton and John Pender.  Again, Mr. Pat Deering also attended this meeting.  All have promised to do what they can on behalf of the two schools.

Where to from here?

We await the publication of the C.S.O. figures from last year’s census.  Hopefully, when we go through those we will have more information to support our case.

Photographs – 6th Class and Junior Infants

If you wish to purchase photos please return order and payment by Tuesday next April 4th.

Headlice: Again, we have been informed of the presence of head lice.  Please ensure your daughter’s hair is properly tied up/back to ensure she doesn’t pick up headlice.  This is a constant problem in girls school.  However, the problem can be eliminated if due care is taken – try to prevent the problem by keeping hair tied up.  If infestation does occur, treat the problem immediately.

There was a meeting of the Parents Association last week.  It was decided to ask you all would you consider joining the Parents Association.  It would be great to have each class represented.  This would ensure that Parents voices are heard.  The Parents Association plays a major part in developing school policies.  If you would like to attend the next meeting, Tuesday May 2nd, please give Fiona your number and email address.

Cyberbullying Workshop takes place on Wednesday 5th April at 6.45p.m. in Forwards Steps.  Booking in advance is required.  Contact Nicola on 087-7916121 or 059-9180010 to book a place.

Mobile Phones:  Pupils are not allowed to have mobile phones in school.  If a pupil is found with a phone it is confiscated and given to the principal.  The parents/guardians of the pupil is contacted and must come to the school for a meeting with the principal.  Please encourage your daughter to abide by this policy.

  National Spring Clean

All classes are looking forward to our annual ‘Spring Clean’ on Thursday 6th April – weather permitting.  If girls chose to bring in gloves etc. please ensure their names are written on them.

Signed:- Anne Kennelly


Newsletter February 2017 (2)


Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

Tullow, Co.Carlow

27 February 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

♦ Lent starts on Wednesday next, March 1st.  1st – 5th class will attend mass on Wednesday (Ash Wednesday).  As is usual during Lent we will again be urging the pupils to donate a small amount of their own money to the Trócaire and Bóthar Lenten Campaign.  Each teacher will be explaining about this in more detail to each class.

♦ We have been informed of outbreaks of head lice in some classes.  I remind you – pupils must wear their hair up/back at all times.  Please check your child’s hair.  If infected, please treat immediately.  Only parents can eradicate this problem.

♦ Our Bookfair was very successful.  The children got great value in the books they bought.  The total amount collected was €1616.  The school can now buy books to the value of 25% of this – €404.  This will be used to supplement the books available in each room.  Many thanks to all who bought books.

♦ Health Promoting Schools Poster Competition

Congratulations to all the winners in this competition.  There was a very high standard overall.  The winning entries can be seen on the school website  Please visit the website to see more activities taking place in each class.

♦ Please Note: Our Healthy Lunch Policy does not allow biscuits,

bars or other such snacks.  On a Friday a piece of home baking is

permitted.  Please abide by this agreed school policy.

♦ World Book Day

Thursday, March 2nd is World Book Day.  The children will be doing

related activities in each class.  Also, on Friday 3rd, the author

David Donohue will be visiting infants, 1st, 2nd & 3rd class to speak with

them re. becoming authors!

♦ Reminder: School will be closed Tuesday 28th February

Signed:- Anne Kennelly


Mounted Gardaí come to visit Scoil Mhuire

St. Valentines day was very eventful to say the least as we had a from a visit from the Gardaí as part of ‘Operation Storm’.

An Garda Síochana visited the school on mounted horseback and everyone had the opportunity to meet and ask questions about the role the horses play in the life of a Garda. It was very informative, and both pupils and teachers enjoyed it.

Thank you for your visit!

Newsletter February 2017

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

Tullow, Co.Carlow


07 February 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

♦ Catholic Schools Week

Thank you to the Grandparents who visited last week – the pupils really enjoyed your visits.

All classes made St. Brigid’s Crosses which we got blessed at mass on St. Brigid’s Day.

♦ Book Fair

Last year we held a Book Fair in conjunction with Khan’s Bookshop in Kilkenny which was very successful.  This year we will have another on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February.  Many books will be available at just €1.00.  This is a great opportunity for you and your daughter to buy books at great value.

The children will be brought in their classes to look at the books on Thursday.  Parents are welcome to drop in and browse/buy at any time during the 2 days.  The children will have an opportunity to buy books on Friday.

A percentage of the total sales is given as a book voucher to the school.  This means that the more books bought the more books, in turn, will be added to our library for use by the pupils.

♦ Internet Safety Week

This week is Internet Safety Week.  Please talk to your daughter at home re. this very serious topic.  At school the teachers will be covering different aspects of online safety.  Today, Tuesday 7th is Internet Safety Day.

♦ “Wake Up, Shake Up” – we hope that Thursday morning will be dry so that we can continue with our “Wake Up, Shake Up” activity at 9.20a.m.

♦ 10 @ 10

In conjunction with ‘Operation Transformation’ every primary school child is being asked to partake in a mass physical activity break on Friday, 10th February at 10a.m. for 10 minutes.  We will be taking part – all pupils may wear P.E. gear on Friday.

♦ School Fundraiser

We are selling knitted Easter “chicks”,  “eggs in baskets” and “bunnies” at €2 each as a school fundraiser.  These have been kindly knitted by Aliyah Brennan’s (Senior Infants) granny Mary Rooney and mammy Susan Brennan.  A big thank you to both for their hard work.  All money raised will go towards buying extra P.E. resources.



Signed:- Anne Kennelly


Newsletter January (2)

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

Tullow, Co.Carlow

25 January 2017

Dear Parents/Guardians,

♦ Catholic Schools Week 2017

Next week we will celebrate Catholic Schools Week.  We will have various activities going on in classes during the week.  Part of the week’s celebration is Grandparent’s Day – Wednesday February 1st.  This is also St. Brigid’s Day which we celebrate every year.  St. Brigid is the patron saint of this diocese and is closely associated with the Brigidine Sisters who founded this school.  On Wednesday all classes will attend 9.30a.m. mass – please ensure that your daughter is in school on time so that we can get all pupils to the church before mass starts.

♦ Last year we held a Book Fair in conjunction with Khan’s Bookshop in Kilkenny which was very successful.  This year we will have another on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th February.  Many books will be available at just €1.00.  This is a great opportunity for you and your daughter to buy books at great value.

The children will be brought in their classes to look at the books on Thursday.  Parents are welcome to drop in and browse/buy at any time during the 2 days.  The children will have an opportunity to buy books on Friday.

A percentage of the total sales is given as a book voucher to the school.  This means that the more books bought the more books, in turn, will be added to our library for use by the pupils.

♦ Lost and found:  There are a number of coats and jackets left unclaimed since September.  If your daughter is missing her coat/jacket please check the lost and found box.

♦  February Mid-Term: School closed Thursday 23rd & Friday 24th

♦  School Closure

We have been informed by the Department of Education and Skills that school will have to be closed on Tuesday February 28th.  This is to facilitate inservice for teachers for the new Primary Language Curriculum which is being introduced to all schools.

♦ Applications for enrolment are taking place at the moment. Forms are available from Fiona.  Closing date is February 10th.

♦ If any parent wishes to start paying towards next year’s book bill, please go to Fiona. Signed:- Anne Kennelly


Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Enrolment

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Enrolment

Application for enrolment for 20/21 school year in Scoil Mhuire Lourdes is now closed, If you wish to request an enrolment form after this time please contact  or call 0599151875

Application for the 21/22 school year will open on January 14th 2021.

New Web links Page

Check out the new web links which are available for parents and children to explore on our website. They are located under:

Information for Parents…Useful web links.

Enjoy exploring!