Art Appreciation 2024

Don’t forget- Arts Appreciation takes place in SML this Tuesday and Thursday.

See below for class times and information on each session. There will tea/ coffee afterwards in Ms. Ryans room for anyone who would like to stay hosted by the Student Council.

Art Appreciation Mw/5:30-7:00, 49% OFF |

Tullow Arts Appreciation Day: Senior School 14th May 2024

We would like to welcome students, parents, family and friends to join us in celebrating Arts Appreciation Day together in Tullow, so we can share with you some of the creative elements we have been working on.

Our theme this year is Nature.

Ann, our Music Generation tutor, has been working hard to facilitate the programme in our school from 3rd to 6th class, and invites you to join in our workshops, to give you a little taster of what we do in our sessions.

  •  3rd Class Workshop ‘Harmony’  40-10.20am

Join our 3rd class students in a Harmony and melody workshop with a fun interactive setting. Exploring harmony and melody through singing helps to train the ear, benefits intonation, tuning and pitch, promotes teamwork and active listening while using your whole body as an instrument.  Our 3rd class are very excited to demonstrate their own performance piece based on the theme Nature.

  • 4th Class (both) ‘Barred Instruments’ 11.20- 11.50am

We offer you the opportunity to share in a sample music session with 4th class using Orff instruments. Each student has had the opportunity this year to play xylophone, glockenspiels, and metallophones . Through fun imaginative games we encourage students to experiment and create their own melodies and rhythmic patterns. We welcome parents/guardians the opportunity to observe each child playing a barred instrument in a large scale musical ensemble.

 Barred Instruments increases motor skills, coordination and social skills, promotes creative thinking and problem-solving while improving memory, dexterity and agility.

.•          5th Class ‘Musical workshop through Rap and hip-hop’ 12.15-12.45pm

Join our 5th class students to explore creative self-expression through Rap. Through fun imaginative games we encourage students to experiment and create their own unique lyrics and rhythmic patterns. We hope to demonstrate how rap and hip-hop music propels awareness of social and global issues serving as an outlet to musicians to better their academic skills and encourage awareness of other cultures.

For our grand finale we would love to perform for you our chosen piece ‘The champion’ to demonstrate some of the skills we have mastered and enjoy our artistic display through our fashion show.

  • 6th Class(both) Workshop-‘ Performance’ 1.40-2.15pm

6th class students welcome parents, friends, and family to join them in a musical display of their endeavours this year. The whole year will perform their nature themed piece ‘Down to the river to pray’ together and also each class has prepared their own song.  Performance develops confidence, public speaking, but best of all, its lots of fun!!

Tullow Arts Appreciation Day: Junior School Thursday 16th May 2024

The Junior School have been exploring the Seasons with Ali this year, through the Orff principles of ‘sing, say, dance, play’.  We can’t wait to share what we have been creating through music, movement and art.

Junior Infants – Spring   9.15-9.45am

Together with Ali and Ms. Quiney, Junior Infants have been exploring all things Spring! We will use our voices, bodies and instruments to become seeds, flowers, rain and some animals! Using a variety of speech, singing, vocal exploration alongside beat, rhythm and movement skills, we can’t wait for you to join us and to help us celebrate the joy of Springtime – be ready to hop like a bunny and shake like a chicken!

Senior Infants – Summer  9.45-10.15am

It’s Summertime in Senior Infants! Together with Ali and Ms. Madden, we have been busy exploring the sunshine in lots of musical ways! We will sing and play instruments, share a wonderful circle dance, create beautiful butterflies to music with our bodies and finish with a summer bop full of un-pitched percussion and improvisation. We know you will be singing and dancing along with us and we can’t wait!

1st Class – Autumn  11.15-11.45pm

Together with Ali and Ms. Cullen, we have been exploring the beauty of Autumn in 1st Class – the falling leaves, the changing weather, the squirrels gathering nuts and animals getting ready to hibernate. We have poetry, songs, movement, beat and rhythm to share with you, a brilliant game to play, and a beautiful Autumn surprise to finish!

2nd Class – Winter  11.45-12.15pm

Together with Ali and Ms. Brooks, 2nd Class have chosen Winter for their season, and have been working hard to create some beautiful music to share – difficult hand clapping work, a Winter canon using the metal family of our percussion instruments, improvising winter sounds, practising a lovely game to share and a Winter surprise that we are so excited for you to join!

Tullow Arts Appreciation Day

Tullow Arts Appreciation Day

We would like to welcome students, parents, family and friends to join us in celebrating Arts appreciation day together in Tullow so we can share with you some of the creative elements we have been working on. Our theme this year for the Senior School is – Countries around the world and Animals in the Junior School. Ann, our music Generation tutor, has been working hard to facilitate the programme in our school from 3rd to 6th class, and invites you to join in our workshops, to give you a little taster of what we do in our sessions.

The Junior School have been exploring the Animal Kingdom with Elspeth through music and movement and the Orff approach of ‘Sing-Say-Dance-Play’.  Our activities build up our musical and creative skills week by week. We are looking forward to sharing what we have been creating with you as the classes make their own music in response to their animal themes. Elspeth, our music Generation tutor, has been working hard to facilitate the programme in our school from Junior Infants- Second Class.

See below for the date and time of each class performance- we would love families to come and share the day with us. Art work completed by the children is available to view and take home. We will have a donation bucket at the door if you would like to make a donation towards the school and our new play space.

Click here for the full Invitation given to families

Preparing For International Art Appreciation Day - Maids By Trade

Senior School Tuesday 24th May 2022

• 4th Class (both classes) Workshop ‘Creative Movement’ 9.40 am- 10.20am

• 3rd Class Workshop ‘A Musical Exploration of Harmony’ 11.00 am – 11.45am

• 5th Class ‘Performance and Share’ 12.15pm- 12.45pm

• 6th Class Workshop-‘ African Drumming’ 1.30pm- 2.15pm

Week of the Young Child: Art Appreciation Day — Generation Next

Junior School Thursday 26th May 2022

Junior Infants ‘Farm Animals Workshop’ 10am-10.30am

Senior Infants ‘Mini Beasts Workshop’ 10.50am-11.20am

2nd Class Ms. Brooks ‘Under the Sea Workshop’ 11.40am-12.10pm

2nd Class Ms. Kennedy ‘Irish Wild Animals Workshop’ 12.30-1.00pm

1st Class ‘The Tortoise and the Hare Workshop’ 1.20pm-1.50pm

Young Light – National Poster Competition from the Glucksman, UCC

Day 2: Competition Time!

The Glucksman Art museum in University College Cork is running a poster competition  for Cruinniu na nOg –

Young Light invites young people to design posters that celebrate their community and surroundings. As we head out of lockdown and begin to reacquaint ourselves with our local area, we can see things in a new light, colours become more vibrant, people and places can hold more significance.

Across the country young people will create artworks that celebrate their local area, capturing the colours and light of your part of the country or the people and places that make it unique.

The Glucksman are providing video tutorials and live online art sessions to help you with creations as well as tips and ideas on our social media channels.

Entries can be submitted as images by email along with a completed application form.

The Glucksman will share everyone’s creations in a dedicated online gallery, as well as awarding prizes for individuals and schools in different age categories.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 25 June.

Live workshops (FREE) are running on the Glucksman’s Facebook page, visit

Tuesday 9th June 11am – Art Nouveau style posters

Thursday 11th June 11am – Punk style posters

Saturday 13th June 11am – American Kitsch style

Young Light Poster Image

National Gallery of Ireland

Day 1: Why not take a tour of a gallery today!

We know that you have been working very hard since March 12th at home so this week instead of giving you learning packs you can take a breath and relax.

There is no school work this week. Instead Ms. Coen will post an activity each day around the theme of ‘The Arts’

Trinity College:

National Gallery of Ireland:

The Louvre in France:

There are so many more for you to visit. Click here for a full list of the available tours

2,500 Museums You Can Now Visit Virtually