Senior Infants enjoyed a visit from Ms. Conway and Ms. Dillon’s 3rd class today. The girls had written a Christmas story which they kindly shared with the younger girls. We all had a lovely time!
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Santa’s Postbox
Junior and Senior Infants went on an adventure to post their beautiful artwork in Santa’s Postbox last week! The girls really enjoyed the trip and even sang some carols when they got there! Everyone had a lovely morning.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar in Senior Infants:

Annual St. Vincent dePaul sale
‘Dare we mention the ‘C’ word but… Christmas is fast approaching and in 6th class this means it’s time to start preparing for the
. The SVP sale will take place on Wednesday 18th December. We are asking families to donate any old toys (in working condition), books, crafts, games and much much more. All donations are greatly appreciated. Posters have been made by Ana Doyle Canas and Sophie O’Brien.’
Snow in Senior Infants
Snow in Senior Infants:

Science Week
Second class had lots of fun during Science Week last week! We investigated the effect of different surfaces on driving a car. We also came up with our own inventions. The top three inventions (as voted by the class!) were a flying camper van, Slimeland Kids Workshop and a dream beach made of jelly!
Science Week
Halloween SPPPOOKKKY Celebrations in Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

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The girls are having great fun today celebrating Halloween in school with party games, Spellathon, assembly and lots of fun. We hope everyone has a great Halloween!!!
3rd Class are feeling spooky

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Mr Reagan’s third class had lots of fun creating some spooky Halloween Art.
3rd Class Maths

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The girls in Ms.Conway and Ms.Dillon’s 3rd Class have been learning all about lines and angles in Maths. They learned to recognise an angle in terms of rotation. The girls used lollipop sticks to create right angles, angles smaller than … Continue reading