A parting message to 6th class

Our 6th class ladies,

We have missed so much celebrating with you all as you get ready for the next chapter in your lives.  You are living in unprecedented times but your sacrifice is helping others in ways that you cannot imagine.

We have missed being able to sign your shirts, autograph books and take pictures at Graduation. We are so proud of all you have achieved in the years you have been with us, and know that you will continue to shine like the stars you are.⭐

To help you remember us all in Scoil Mhuire Lourdes we have one final gift to give you. On Friday 26th June from 11- 1pm Mr. O ‘ Flaherty and Ms. Coen will be at the school to give you an end of year momento from SML… You can come with an adult to collect your gift from the school but please remember to be responsible in the way in which we continue to stay our distance from each other.

We would love to see you and wish you every success as you take the next step on the journey of your education.

Here is a short video message from Mr. O’Flaherty, Ms.Coen and Bishop Denis to ask God to protect mind and keep you safe now and always.

Click here to view



Art Appreciation

Day 4: Looking and Responding to Art in the Primary School


***Click this link for some excellent ideas on creating art using the world around us: https://childsplayabc.wordpress.com/

***When something plays tricks on your eyes it is called an Optical Illusion. Op Art is artwork that plays tricks on our eyes Artist M.C. Escher is famous for having created lots of different kinds of Op Art.


*****Please click the link for more info on famous artists: http://www.artprimaryschool.com/

Draw our Heroes!

Day 3: Draw our Heroes!

Draw Our Heroes Banner

We are calling on all young people up to and including 18 years of age to draw a picture of their real life hero in this difficult time of the Corona Virus.

Your hero could be a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, ambulance service, gardai, fire service, army, an post, shop assistant, van driver, Leo Varadkar, Simon Harris, Dr. Tony Holohan, your granny cocooning – in fact anyone who is playing their part to keep us all safe.

You can use paints or draw with pencils or use anything you like once it’s on an A4 page. Feel free to give your own unique ‘Title’ to your entry.

There are 4 age categories and prizes range from €50 to €500. The artists and their heroes in the winning portraits will also be honoured at a special presentation in August 2020 (which will be confirmed at a later date)

Entries must be submitted by the 30th June 2020 and the artwork will be displayed online at the end of the competition.

Lets Draw Our Heroes and Honour Them

Richard Mulcahy

Click this link for all the competition details: https://drawourheroes.ie/

Young Light – National Poster Competition from the Glucksman, UCC

Day 2: Competition Time!

The Glucksman Art museum in University College Cork is running a poster competition  for Cruinniu na nOg – http://www.glucksman.org/exhibitions/younglight.

Young Light invites young people to design posters that celebrate their community and surroundings. As we head out of lockdown and begin to reacquaint ourselves with our local area, we can see things in a new light, colours become more vibrant, people and places can hold more significance.

Across the country young people will create artworks that celebrate their local area, capturing the colours and light of your part of the country or the people and places that make it unique.

The Glucksman are providing video tutorials and live online art sessions to help you with creations as well as tips and ideas on our social media channels.

Entries can be submitted as images by email along with a completed application form.

The Glucksman will share everyone’s creations in a dedicated online gallery, as well as awarding prizes for individuals and schools in different age categories.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 25 June.

Live workshops (FREE) are running on the Glucksman’s Facebook page, visit https://www.facebook.com/TheGlucksman/

Tuesday 9th June 11am – Art Nouveau style posters

Thursday 11th June 11am – Punk style posters

Saturday 13th June 11am – American Kitsch style

Young Light Poster Image

National Gallery of Ireland

Day 1: Why not take a tour of a gallery today!

We know that you have been working very hard since March 12th at home so this week instead of giving you learning packs you can take a breath and relax.

There is no school work this week. Instead Ms. Coen will post an activity each day around the theme of ‘The Arts’

Trinity College: https://panoramicireland.com/guide-to-ireland/360-degree-panoramas-of-ireland/trinity-college-360-degree-panorama

National Gallery of Ireland: https://www.virtualvisittours.com/national-gallery-of-ireland/

The Louvre in France: https://www.louvre.fr/en/visites-en-ligne

There are so many more for you to visit. Click here for a full list of the available tours

2,500 Museums You Can Now Visit Virtually

End of year message from Scoil Mhuire Lourdes

To all the families and children in Scoil Mhuire Lourdes,

It has been such a challenging and strange time for us all and we have missed you so much. From your smiles on the corridor to the sounds of song singing coming from the hall. We have enjoyed every second of engaging with you and seeing the amazing work that you have been doing at home with your families. You have shone brighter than we could ever have anticipated and we are so proud of the sacrifices you have made to help others.

We are not sure what September will look like just yet, but what we do know is that we cannot wait to see you all, hear about your Summer and get you all back on track with your learning. As soon as more information comes we will update all of our families.

Next week Ms.Coen will post an activity each day for ‘Arts Appreciation’ week. Seeing as it is the last week of school there will be no formal learning packs.😊

Please contact tullowgns.ias@eircom.net if you have any queries- the teachers will also be taking a well deserved break so will be unavailable for emails after Friday 26th June. We will be in contact with 6th class regarding a little gift from our school in the coming days….keep an eye on your texts for updates!

We wish you a wonderful Summer break full of health and happiness.🌞

Take care, God bless and safe safe,

Ms. Coen



Summer Holidays Begins – Dunmore Community School


6th Class Transition Video from SCP

As you may be aware Schools Completion normally visit our 6th class group around this time every year. Unfortunately, as we all know, that’s not possible this year.
Instead they have split the workshop into 4 short videos (see link below)
They hope (if there’s time) to follow this with a questions and answers session
They have provided an email address where parents can email questions and they will try and host a session for them in July.


Tullow Area School Completion Programme

Booklists for 2023-2024

Please click here for the Bookbills 2023/2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

In recognition of the cost of preparing children and young people for the return to primary school each September Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. has announced funding to provide free school materials from September 2023.

This scheme will eliminate some of the cost to parents of providing these resources.

Funding is being provided directly to primary schools and special schools by the Department to implement the scheme and schools will now have responsibility for providing school resources to all children at the start of the school year.

All school books will remain the property of the school so that books can be reused in future years. School books will be provided on loan to children for the duration of the 2023/24 school year and must be returned to school at the end of the school year.

Parents are requested to remind their children to take care of their books and keep them in good condition during the year. It is not permitted to write on textbooks.

Whilst our school is delighted to receive additional funding, we are cognisant that it will not be sufficient to cover all the costs associated with school life. There are some related classroom resources that are not covered by the scheme. We have made a significant effort to keep pupils costs to a minimum year after year, and thus are asking each parent for €50 per child. Additional details on what items parents will need to supply for the return to school in September 2023 are described overleaf.


Yours sincerely,

Ms. Coen

Book Collection Reminder

If there is anyone who has not collected books from the school please make contact before Friday 12th June to arrange for collection on tullowgns.ias@eircom.net.

A date and time can be arranged but notice must be given to facilitate the school being opened safety for late collections.

Otherwise, packs that are not collected will be recycled over the Summer.

Kind regards,

Ms. Coen


FINAL REMINDER Rubber Stamp Over A White Background. Royalty Free ...