Closing Date for our Crackin’ Competition: Tomorrow, 18th April!

Reminder: Tomorrow, 18th April is the closing date for our Easter Competition. See details below for a chance of winning one of our super prizes!

A Crackin’ Competition for Easter

Image result for easter competition


All classes are invited to take part in this

‘ Crackin’ Competition’. 

You can enter one or all of the categories if you wish.There will be 3 prizes in each class, one for each category.

Winners will be announced on Friday 24th April on the school website.

Prizes will be either emailed or posted to the winners.


Category 1: Create an Easter Bonnet using materials in your home ( bonus points if they are recyclable)

Category 2: Write a creative story or poem ( Bonus points if it is around the theme of Easter)

Category 3: Create an Easter picture

Closing date: Saturday 18th April

How to enter: Send an image of your bonnet/ story or poem/ picture to

Please include your name, class and the category you have entered in the email no faces please and thank you 🙂 

Don’t forget, the more categories you enter the better chance you have of winning!


UPDATE COVID 19: April 10th 2020

Image result for school closures

Dear Parent(s) and Guardian(s),

An announcement was made regarding the further closure of schools to support efforts to contain the spread of Covid-19. A date for return has not yet been decided upon.This is in line with the advice of the National Public Health Emergency Team.

All pupils are urged to continue to practice social distancing, and to minimise physical contact with each other to help avoid the spread of Covid-19. This should include minimising social contact, avoiding meeting up and keeping physical space between them.Parents and guardians are urged to support their children to maintain this approach.

The Government, in conjunction with the public health authorities, will keep the situation under ongoing review.

Work for the children can be found on the ‘ Learning Packs for Covid 19’ page on this website. Please click the class and week to gain access to some suggested activities for your daughter. Our support team has also provided activities for children who receive additional support in the school. These will be uploaded each weekend.

We thank you for your patience at this time.

Le meas,

Marie Coen

REMINDER: Easter Competition

Reminder: There is no weekly plan of work for the children over the Easter Holidays. Work will resume on Monday, April 20th after the Easter break. 

Image result for happy easter


All classes are invited to take part in this

‘ Crackin’ Competition’. 

You can enter one or all of the categories if you wish.There will be 3 prizes in each class, one for each category.

Winners will be announced on Friday 24th April on the school website.

Prizes will be either emailed or posted to the winners.


Category 1: Create an Easter Bonnet using materials in your home ( bonus points if they are recyclable)

Category 2: Write a creative story or poem ( Bonus points if it is around the theme of Easter)

Category 3: Create an Easter picture

Closing date: Saturday 18th April

How to enter: Send an image of your bonnet/ story or poem/ picture to

Please include your name, class and the category you have entered in the email no faces please and thank you 🙂 

Don’t forget, the more categories you enter the better chance you have of winning!


School Transport Applications 2020/21

Bus Éireann’s on-line application system for school transport is now open for the 2020/21 school year. The closing date for School Transport Applications is Friday, 24 April, 2020. To use School Transport Scheme Services, pupils must be in possession of a valid ticket for travel.

How to Apply

Apply on-line now @\schooltransport

Payment Deadline

2020/21 School Year

Payment for School transport tickets for the 2020/21 can be made from 16th June 2020.

Deadline date for Payment / Submitting Medical Card Details for the 2020/21 School Year is Friday, 31st July 2020.

2019/20 School Year

You may still apply and submit a payment / medical card details for school transport for the current school year, however, you may not be guaranteed a seat.

Children throughout Tipperary fail to secure school bus tickets ...

Reminder about Learning Packs and Submission of Work

Dear Parents/ Guardians & Children,

Thank you for your lovely videos / photos. It is so helpful to see all the different types of activities and how they are working in your own home. We are so grateful that you have engaged with the distance learning and hope that it will enrich the time you are spending at home with your children.

Sadly, due to GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we are unable to retain or look at any videos or photos which show your child’s face or body. This is to ensure that we adhere to all Child Protection and GDPR regulations.

Instead of a video or photo that shows your child or family, you can send:

1.     A photo of the work.

2.     A video of the work.

3.     An audio clip of the work.

We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to planning interactive and fun lessons for your children.
Kind regards,
SML team 🙂

School Meals Programme – Emergency support for families

The Minister and the Department of Education and Skills are aware that schools and education staff have expressed concerns about the impact of school closures due to Coronavirus (COVID19) on pupils who avail of school meals, and that the unavailability of school meals impacts in particular on the most disadvantaged in our society.The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection has confirmed that funding to schools will continue, in line with the parameters of the School Meals scheme.

Through the School Meals fund, we now have the capacity to help families who need emergency support in providing food for their family. Guidance has been given to schools around the types of food items that can be included to support those in crisis, with items similar to that of breakfast club.

Distribution arrangements

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes will liaise with local organisations in a bid to distribute food parcels to families efficiently and effectively. The organisation of this procedure will be decided upon in due course to meet the demand of families who needs this emergency support. 

Contact for Breakfast Club Programme

If you family needs emergency support for food provisions please contact the school on

Rang a Sé

Thinking of all the girls in 6th class, their families and Mr. Flaherty on what would have been their Confirmation day.

We pray for all of them, for all in our school community who are working so hard in these difficult times, and for all our parents/guardians and sponsors who have nurtured the girls to this stage in their young lives.

We pray that that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide us all and give us wisdom and understanding, right judgement and courage, knowledge, reverence and wonder and awe in God’s presence. Amen