Zumba: April 24th 2020.

Zumba will be starting with Mikayla on the 24th April 2020. (Not 3rd April) and will finish on Friday 5th June. 

Junior and Senior Infants are welcome to do Zumba from 1.50-2.50pm in the hall.

1st and 2nd class are welcome to do Zumba from 2.50-4pm in the hall.

€5 in an envelope with your name, class and activity on it.

Please wear your tracksuit and bring extra water with you if you wish to take part!!Image result for zumba for kids


We ask that all parents be cautious as the Coronavirus continues to spread in Ireland, with a number of new cases being confirmed in the country. Please ensure your children know how to wash their hands correctly.

Teachers will continue to conduct lessons on this. Soap and water is sufficient. Ensure your children wash their hands well before coming to school.

They will be reminded regularly throughout the school day to wash their hands. Please remind them to cough/sneeze into their elbow, not their hands.

If your child or someone your child has been in close contact with displays symptoms, please keep your child at home and seek medical advice. Staff are being asked to do the same. If you have travelled from an affected area, please self isolate. The Department of Health have advised that no unnecessary travel to an affected area be undertaken.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

Activities after school


Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Please find below the list of optional activities taking place after school. Please monitor your mobile phone in the event that an activity has been cancelled/ changed venue at short notice. Permission slips available from the school for basketball and football.


Day Activity Class Time Location Begin/ Finish




(Bring tracksuit into school)

5th-6th 2.50-3.45pm School Hall/ Yard Begin March 4th 2020 until May 27th 2020
Thursday Football


(Bring tracksuit into school, boots and gum shield)

3rd-6th 2.50-4pm Tullow Community School or

Scoil Mhuire Lourdes Hall if it is wet (please check text)

Begin February 27th until April 30th
Friday Zumba


(Wear tracksuit into school)



Cost: €5 in an envelope with name, class and activity

1.50-2.50pm School Hall Begin Friday 3rd April 2020- Friday 5th June 2020

(Wear tracksuit into school)

1st and 2nd


Cost: €5 in an envelope with name, class and activity

 2.50-4pm School Hall Begin Friday 3rd April 2020- Friday 5th June 2020


Le meas,


Marie Coen (Principal)