Newsletter February 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Lent: Lent starts on Wednesday 26th February.1st – 5th class will attend mass on Wednesday @9.30am (Ash Wednesday).  We are urging the pupils to donate a small amount of their own money to the Trócaire Lenten campaign.  Fiona will have pictures of chicks to buy in the office for 50c. All these pictures will be displayed in the school with all proceeds going directly to Trócaire.

♦ World Book Day Activities: Thursday, March 5th is World Book Day.  The children are invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book on Thursday 5th March. We kindly ask for a €1 donation from each child to go towards the school for this event.

♦ Reuben the Entertainer We are able to have Reuben, an entertainer to visit the girls from Junior infants to 4th on the 6th March. Many thanks for your continued support to all our school fundraisers!

♦ Sassy Sixty Savers: Good luck to the girls from 5th class who will be attending the Regional Final in the SEAI One Good Idea Competition in Dublin on the 27th February. We wish you every success and look forward to seeing your television debut on RTÉ News today!

♦ After School Activities: Activities for the girls in 1st and 2nd class have now finished. Thank you to all those who were involved. Please see overleaf for the activities for the girls from 3rd to 6th.

♦Headlice: Please continue to check your daughter’s hair for headline. This is an ongoing issue in our school but we rely on the support from home to eradicate the problem.

Book bills: There are still a number of outstanding book bills in the school. I strongly urge you to pay for outstanding bills as soon as possible- books for next year cannot be bought until this year’s bill has been cleared. If you wish to start paying for the book bill for next year, you are welcome to do so by calling into Fiona in the office.

School Closure: Reminder the school will be closed on the 16th and 17th March (St. Patrick’s Day weekend). School reopens on the 18th March @ 9.00am.

♦ Aldi Stickers: We are collecting! Please send in any you might have, they would be greatly appreciated.

Disco: Many thanks to all those who helped out at our school disco. It was a great night with a total of €466 raised for the school!

Reminder: Only children are allowed in the playground in the morning-we would ask that parents remain behind the fence.

Date for your Diary: Art Appreciation Day will take place on March 31st. More details to follow.



Marie Coen





NPC Internet Safety session for Parents


Safer Internet Day (11 February) is an EU initiative to promote a safer internet for all users, especially children and young people.

Parents often admire how easily their children can use the Internet – but aren’t quite sure of what they are doing or seeing. As parents, it is vital for us to have good, open communication with our children about their internet use, like all other aspects of their lives. We need to talk to our children about the potential dangers they may come across online, as well as the many benefits they will find.

National Parents Council Primary (NPC) provide Internet Safety sessions for parents.

NPC Internet Safety session for Parents

NPC’s Internet Safety session for parents looks at how our children use the internet. Parents will be introduced to strategies, hints and tips to help their children be responsible, effective and safer Internet users. This session also looks at cyber bullying.

The NPC Internet Safety session for parents can take place at a date and time that suits the majority of parents of children in your school.

If you would like to book the Internet Safety session for parents you can do so simply by clicking this link we-offer/internet-safety-in-your-school alternatively the training can be applied for using the application form attached.

Please note there is a registration fee for the session, one payment of €50 for member Parents’ Associations and €75 for non-member schools (not per person!)

To find out more please contact Sharon Hopkins on 01 887 4475 or email:

Please note this information will also be emailed to NPC Parents’ Association Members

Kind regards

Michelle Davern

NPC Administrative Officer

Tel: 01 8874488
