Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Garda

7th September 2021

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We had a smooth return to school last week and I want to thank the whole school community for making this happen. As society continues to open up, there is an increased risk of the spread of Covid-19 in the community, thus the increased risk of the virus entering our school. Whilst the school is adhering to all guidelines outlined in our Covid Response Plan, there is still a risk that we will have positive cases of Covid-19 in our school this year. In order to avoid and limit this as much as possible, please continue to follow the public health advice and be vigilant in relation to the symptoms of Covid-19.

Common symptoms of Covid-19 Other Common Symptoms of Covid-19
•       a fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above).

•       a new cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.

•       shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.

•       loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal

•       Fatigue

•       Aches and Pains

•      sore throat

•      headaches

•      runny or stuffy noses

•      feeling sick or vomiting

•      diarrhoea


Please do not send your child to school if they have any symptoms of Covid-19. If you are in doubt, phone your family doctor straight away to see if they need a free Covid19 test. Getting an early diagnosis means, you can get the help you need and take steps to avoid spreading the virus, if you have it. For the complete list of symptoms, please refer to the HSE Website. Symptoms may be subject to change so regular review of the HSE Website is advised. If you do not have symptoms, you can get a free Covid-19 (coronavirus) test at a Covid19 walkin test centre.

  • If your child is a close contact of a confirmed case of Covid-19, they must restrict their movements.
  • If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please contact the school immediately by phone on 059-9151875 or email This helps us begin the contact tracing process promptly with the HSE and limit the spread of Covid-19.
  • We ask that all adults entering the school grounds wear a mask and do not congregate at the school gate.

Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

Is mise le meas,

Ms. Marie Coen (Principal)

Welcome back to all on Tuesday 31st August!

We look forward to welcoming all the children back to school on Tuesday 31st August 2021. A few reminders:

*If unwell, please stay at home

*Junior School ( Junior-Second class) begin at 8.50-9.00am.

-Collection at 12noon for Junior Infants ( until 13th Sept, then 1.40pm onwards).

-Collection at 1.40pm for Senior Infants.

-Collection at 2.40pm for 1st and Second Class

* Senior School ( 3rd-6th class) begin at 9.00-9.10am.

-Collection at 2.50pm for 3rd-6th. Please meet away from the school grounds where possible. 

* Please see the images below for what direction your child will walking, and remind them before they come to school to ensure a smooth entry/exit.

6th class: Ms. Suzanne Conway Room 8

5th class: Ms. Marie Turtle : Room 3

4th class: Mr. Adam Kavanagh Room 7 ( same group as last year)

4th class: Ms. Aisling Madden Room 1 (Ms. Brook’s old class)

3rd class: Ms. Eilis Eagers Room 6

2nd class Ms. Stacey Brooks : Room 4 (Ms. O’ Brien’s old class)

2nd class: Ms. Rebecca Kennedy Room 2 ( Ms. Conway’s old class)

1st class Ms. Ryan/ Ms. Roisin O’ Brien St. Brigid’s Building Room 2

Senior Infants: Ms. Byrne/ Ms. Aoife Mc Crea St. Brigid’s Building Room 1

Junior Infants: Ms. Ann Marie Wall Room 5

SET: Ms, Garahy, Ms. Archbold and Ms. Kearney

SNA: Regina Canavan

* Compete Return to School Declaration form (sent to your email)

*Contact the school by emailing or call 0599151875

* Use Aladdin link for book bill payment sent to your phone

See you all soon!

Ms. Coen and all the team 🙂

Standardised Tests/ Report Cards

Dear Parents/ Guardians of children from 1st-6th class,

As you know the children from 1st- 6th class completed their standardised tests in Mathematics and English in May. Over the coming days you will receive their report card in the post which will include their STEN scores from these tests.

The children have done tremendously well this year in coping with all the changes which Covid 19 has brought to our lives. I wanted to write to you all to reassure you that the standardised tests are a snapshot of one particular area of learning. They were not designed with a pandemic in mind and school closures. Therefore, they are not a true reflection of all the strides your child has made during the year. 

I encourage you to please read the attached information outlining what standardised tests are and how to interpret results. However, more importantly please read all the wonderful comments that your daughter’s teacher wrote about her in the school report.

Well done to everyone for working so hard this year. Thank you for your continued support and patience as we come nearer to the end of the school year.

Please God next year will bring with it a more settled, and healthier academic year for us all.

Kind regards,

Ms. Coen

Information for Parents – Standardised Test Scores

Standardised Testing-2020-2021

Lake Mills Area School District - School Report Cards

Back to School: Allowance

Back to School: Clothing and Footwear Allowance. 🍎
To qualify for this payment you must be:
➡getting a social welfare payment (People getting the COVID-19 Pandemic Unemployment Payment, the Working Family Payment, or the Back to Work Family Dividend can qualify)
➡Taking part in training, employment, or adult education scheme.
🍎Applications will be means-tested and your total family income must be below a certain level for your family size.
🍎Children must be aged between 4 and 22 on 30 September 2021
🍎The Allowance is €150 for children aged between 4 and 11 and €275 for children aged between 12 and 22.
**It is paid automatically to many families. This means that they do not have to apply for the payment. If you qualify automatically, you will get a letter before 21 June 2021 to let you know.
🍎From 21 June 2021, you can apply for BTSCFA online through
For more information:

Art Appreciation Day: Get the dancing shoes on everyone!

We have been busy putting together a YouTube Video to showcase all the wonderful talents we have in SML in Drama, Music, Dance and Visual Art. The children have picked two themes to base their art, drama and music around. Junior-Second are working with the theme of ‘Under the Sea’ and 3rd-6th decided on the theme’ Food’.

We are asking families at home to get involved also by learning a short dance that Michaela Coleman has put together (it is super short so don’t worry)

You can access the video by clicking here

You can access the music on YouTube by clicking here

We would love for you to send us in a recording/clip of your daughter and the family performing it so that we can get all our school community involved in some way. All clips of your family being creative can be sent to to be included in our Art Appreciation Day showcase by Monday 7th June 2021

(the Bank Holiday weekend will be a great chance to dust off the dancing shoes)

Staff and wider school community have also been getting involved so the pressure is on to see who has got the best dance moves!!

Thank you for your support,

Ms. Coen

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