Leprechaun hunt in Junior Infants

A leprechaun has been spotted in the playground sprinkling magic dust! Junior Infants investigated all the clues he had left and the magical leprechuan dust. The ladies managed to locate some of his treasure which they took back to to the class. Ms. Madden was asked to given each girl some dust going home to see if the leprechaun might come to visit in someones house!

Our Spring Walk: Ms. Maddens Class

Today we explored the grounds of the school to search for signs of Spring. We found lots of new buds, small flowers and even some daffodils! We were very excited to see the daffodils in bloom and when we went in, we made some daffodils of our very own during Aistear time. Here are some photos of us on our nature walk.


Exploring the past in 5th

5th class became historians, investigating the past using a variety of ‘olden’ objects. They worked together in pairs and small groups examining each item to try and piece together what it was used for and who might have used it. Well done ladies!

Nature Trail in Senior Infants

Senior Infants had an important job to do today in S.E.S.E. They had to explore the environment around them for lots of different items which they were required to ‘check’ off  when they saw them in their books. The girls worked in pairs and had great fun exploring!