School Lotto: Christmas Draw

FANTASTIC NEWS!! We are having special Christmas Draws to say a BIG Thank You to everyone who is supporting our lotto.

Every line in our lotto on 15th December will automatically have a free chance to win in 2 Extra draws – our School Christmas Draw – see our website for a list of spot prizes and the Fundraiser National Draw – with great prizes including 3 PLAYSTATION 5’s, FOTA ISLAND – 5 Star Hotel 2 night break, a pair of Harry Styles tickets, a pair of Michael Bublé tickets and 4 Deluxe Christmas Hampers.

Please visit our fundraiser website for more details

School Lotto!!!

Click here for the link to our school Lotto

We are delighted to announce the launch of the Scoil Mhuire Lourdes fundraiser lotto. This is a fundraising initiative and the money raised will be used to directly support your children’s education and resources for an outdoor play space and green area for the children.
We hope that the weekly option of €2 per line will allow everybody to contribute. Please pass the word on and invite friends and family.
If you can contribute €5 for 3 lines it would be hugely appreciated and you never know you might just win!
Best of luck!
Marie Coen, Principal and 
The Parents Association