Newsletter January 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians,

♦St. Brigid’s Day which we celebrate every year will be on Friday 1st. St. Brigid is the patron saint of this diocese and is closely associated with the Brigidine Sisters who founded this school.  On Friday all classes will attend 9.30a.m. mass – please ensure that your daughter is in school on time so that we can get all pupils to the church before mass starts.

♦ School Closure

The school will be closed on Wednesday 20th February. This is to facilitate in-service for teachers for the new Primary Language Curriculum which is being introduced to all schools.

♦ February Mid-Term: School closed Thursday 21st & Friday 22nd

♦ Old Schools Desk

For sale Saturday 2nd February. Please enter the yard via the gate on Mill Street. Do not enter via the Convent grounds.

♦ Enrolment: Applications for enrolment are taking place at the moment. Forms are available from Fiona.  Closing date 14th February.

♦ Reminder: Only children are allowed in the playground in the morning-we would ask that parents remain behind the fence.

♦ Please remember – track suit is for P.E. days only.  Each girl is expected to wear her proper uniform on all other days.

♦ Late: There has been a rise in the number of children late for school each day. School starts at 9.10am. All children must be in school by this time in order to ensure that they, or others around them are not prohibited from learning.

♦ Healthy lunches: There has been much news in the media recently regarding unhealthy diets etc. I encourage you to keep up all the good work to ensure that your daughters grow up to be healthy adults!




Marie Coen
