First Holy Communion/ Confirmation: Update from Fr. Andy

Please see below the update from Fr. Andy regarding First Holy Communion and Confirmation.


.Tullow Parish Community Centre,

Tullow, Co. Carlow.

Phone 059 9151277.  Email:




  • The Government have advised that no church ceremonies will be allowed until July 20th at the earliest.
  • Therefore it will not be possible for your child to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation during his/her time in Primary School.
  • Instead, confirmation candidates will be invited to re-apply to receive this sacrament some time during their early months in 1st year, Secondary School.
  • More updates will be issued later, as we receive guidelines from Bishop Denis.
  • Wishing your family good health and every blessing.

Fr. Andy Leahy.


Book Club in 5th Class

Lockdown Book Club

The girls from 5th class have been challenged to take part in a reading challenge with a difference. The Lockdown Book Club! Participants must follow these 3 steps:
1. Choose a book and read it!
2. Write a short review of the book! (10-15 lines)
3. Send your book review and a picture of the book to Ms.Madden by email (
All book reviews will be published to give inspiration to other readers in the class. The idea is to create a virtual book club where we can all share and discuss our favourite books. The girl who has read and reviewed the most books by the end of June will receive a small prize in September!
Monday Book Club: Nenagh Library – Tipperary Library Service

Distribution of Books and Resources

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

We hope that you and your family are well during these difficult times. As always, the school is here to support where possible and are available on We will be opening the school yard on Tuesday, 2nd June to allow you to collect your daughter(s) materials (books, resources etc).

To ensure your safety and to comply with government regulations, you will need to read this letter very carefully as you will need to follow the guidance given around collection on the allocated day for your daughter(s) class.

STEP 1: Locate the date and time when books will be available for your daughter(s) class from the list below.

Collection Day Time: 10am Time: 12noon Time: 2pm
Tuesday 2nd June 6th ( Mr. O’Flaherty) 5th(Ms. Madden) 4th (Ms. Dillon)
Wednesday 3rd June 3rd(Ms. Brooks) 2nd Room 1(Ms. O’Reilly) 2nd Room 2 (Ms. Kennedy)
Thursday 4th June 1st( Ms. Byrne) Senior Infants Room 4 (Ms. Hennessy) Senior Infants Room 5 ( Ms. Wall)
Friday 5th June Junior Infants (Ms. Ryan)

If you have more than one daughter in the school, books will be provided to you as a family for the most senior child.

E,g If you have a daughter in 4th class, 2nd class and Junior Infants, all books will be given to you on Tuesday, 2nd June at 2pm.

STEP 2: Arriving at School

Whether you are travelling to school on foot, by car or otherwise, it is important to ensure you follow these directions in order to reduce risk and comply with government regulations.

  1. Only arrive at the school at your designated time for your daughters class.
  2. Where possible, please come to the school alone. If this is not possible, please leave children in the car. (If on foot, your child must stay with you at all times, there is no access to the buildings.)
  3. If driving, park in a suitable location near the school e.g Church Car Park. Do not park at the front of the school.

There will be staff around the site to help with movement but please make sure that you uphold social distancing rules. Please do not approach staff unless you require help with movement (and please don’t be offended as we are simply trying to keep us all safe!). 

STEP 3: Collecting Books and resources

When you reach the main gate, you will be directed to the right and asked to walk up the ramp (alongside the Orchard). You will be met by a staff member who will bring you to the collection point in the playground.

  1. If there is somebody at the collection point, please stand in the queue and wait until the person ahead of you has moved away. The ground will be clearly marked for safe distancing.
  2. The table will have hand sanitiser for you to use if you wish.

STEP 4: Exit the Building

To ensure your safety, we are operating a one-way system so everyone will have to leave by exiting the playground and walking down the steps (at reception area).

  1. Please ensure that you do not try and leave the same way you came in. We are relying on your cooperation for this so please ensure that you help us out by following directions.
  2. Please return to your home as soon as possible to avoid meeting others on the way.

We understand this is a difficult time for everyone and we appreciate that this experience is not exactly how we would love to be able to do things. Unfortunately, we have to reduce the risk of physical contact so it is likely you may not speak to anyone while you are here. It’s taken immense effort to try and safely coordinate over 260 pupils resources for collection.

Remember, if you have more than one daughter you do not need to come to the school for separate collections. All books etc. for your family will be given when you come to collect your oldest daughter’s belongings. If for any reason you cannot come to the school at the allocated time please email and we will try to facilitate you. A text reminder will be sent to you alongside this notice along with an update on the date of collection.

The resources will be in a plastic bag which we advise you do not open for at least 2 days. In the event of poor weather, books will be distributed in the hall. Please follow the advice of staff in the event of this occurring on the day.

As always, I thank you for all your support at this time. I will keep you updated as things develop.

Is mise le meas,

Ms. Coen.

Stacked Closed Books Side View Icon Cartoon Isolated Vector ...

Cien. vecāki/aizbildņi,

Mēs ceram, ka Jūsu ģimenei šajā pārbaudījumu pilnajā laikā klājas labi. Kā vienmēr iespēju robežās skolas atbalsts ir pieejams, elektroniskai saziņai e-pasts:

Skola tiks atvērta no otrdienas, 2. jūnija, lai Jūs varētu saņemt Jūsu bērna mācību materiālus (grāmatas, palīgmateriālus u.c.).

Lai ievērotu drošību saskaņā ar valdības noteikumiem Jums šī vēstule ir jāizlasa ļoti rūpīgi, jo jums būs jāievēro norādijumi jūsu bērna klases mācību materiālu saņemšanai jums norādītajā laikā.

Pirmkārt: sarakstā zemāk ievērojiet dienu un laiku, kad Jūsu meitas klases mācību materiāli būs pieejami.

Time: 10am Time: 12noon Time: 2pm
Otrdiena 2. jūnijs 6. klase ( Mr. O’Flaherty) 5. klase (Ms. Madden) 4. klase (Ms. Dillon)
Trešdiena 3. jūnijs 3. klase (Ms. Brooks) 2. klase, telpa 1 (Ms. O’Reilly) 2. klase, telpa 2 (Ms. Kennedy)
Ceturtdiena 4. jūnijs 1. klase ( Ms. Byrne) Vecākā sagatavošanas klase, telpa 4 (Ms. Hennessy) Vecākā sagatavošanas klase, telpa  5 ( Ms. Wall)
Piektdiena 5. jūnijs Jaunākā sagatavošanas klase (Ms. Ryan)

Ja Jums ir vairāk kā viena meita, kura apmeklē skolu, grāmatas tiks izsniegtas kopā uz ģimeni kad izņemsiet vecākā bērna mācību materiālus.

Piemēram, ja Jums ir meita 4. klasē, 2. klasē un jaunākajā sagatavošanas klasē, tad visas grāmatas tiks izsniegtas otrdien, 2. jūnijā 14.00.

Otrkārt: Ierodoties skolā

Lai vai kā Jūs ieradīsities skolā, ar mašīnu vai ar kājm, svarīgi, lai samazinātu risku un rīkotos saskaņā ar valdības noteikumiem Jums jāseko šiem norādijumiem.

  1. Skolā atļauts ierasties tikai jūsu meitas klasei norādītajā laikā.
  2. Ja iespējams, uz skolu nāciet pa vienam. Ja tas nav iespējams, lūdzu, atstājiet bērnus mašīnā. (Ja nāciet ar kājām, jūsu bērnam visu laiku jāpaliek Jums blakus, pieeja telpām nebūs.)
  3. Ja brauciet, lūdzu, atstājiet automašīnu piemērotā vietā netālu no skolas, piemēram, baznīcas autostāvvietā.

Skolas personāls palīdzēs organizēt pārvietošanās kārtību, bet lūdzu ievērojiet sociālās distancēšanās noteikumus. Lūdzu, neejiet klāt skolas personālam, izņemot gadījumu ja nepieciešama palīdzība ar pārvietošanās kārtību (un lūdzu neapvainojaties, jo mēs vienkārši censamies ievērot drošību!).

Treškārt: Saņemot grāmatas un materiālus

Sasniedzot skolas vārtus Jums tiks norādīts doties pa apvedceliņu uz augšu. Tur Jūs satiksiet skolas personālu, kas Jūs pavadīs līdz grāmatu saņemšanas punktam pagalmā.

  1. Ja kāds jau atrodas grāmatu saņemšanas punktā, lūdzu stāviet rindā un gaidiet kamēr vieta ir brīva. Uz zemes būs skaidri iezīmētas drošas sociālās distancēšanās atstarpes.
  2. Uz galda būs pieejams roku dezinfekcijas līdzeklis.

Ceturtkārt: Atstājot teritoriju

Lai nodrošinātu Jūsu drošību mēs izmantosim viena virziena kustības principu, tāpēc ikviens dosies prom dodoties lejā pa kāpnēm.

  1. Ievērojiet, ka Jūs ieradīsities pa avedceliņu un dosities prom izmantojot kāpnes. Mēs ceram uz Jūsu sadarbību un norādijumu ievērošanu.
  2. Lūdzu atgriezieties mājās pēc iespējas ātrāk, lai izvairītos satikt citus vecākus drošības nolūku dēļ.

Mēs saprotam, ka šis ir grūts laiks ikvienam un šiš noteikti nav veids kā mēs vēlētos lietas risināt, bet diemžēl mums ir jānovērš fiziskās saskarsmes risks, tādēl ņemiet vērā ka ļoti iespejams, ka Jūs atrodoties skolas teritorijā ar nevienu nesarunāsities. Lielas pūles ir ieguldītas, lai koordinētu vairāk kā 260 skolēnu materiālu drošu izsniegšanu.

Atceraties, ja Jums skolā ir vairāk kā viena meita Jums nav jānāk uz skolu vairākas reizes. Visas grāmatas jūsu ģimenei tiks izsniegtas, kad jūs ieradīsities saņemt vecākā bērna grāmatas un materiālus. Ja kāda iemesla dēļ Jūs nevariet ierasties jums norādītajā laikā lūdzu rasktiet mums uz un mēs mēģināsim rast risinājumu. Vecākiem tiks izsūtīta arī atgādinoša īsziņu par noteikto grāmatu saņemšanas dienu un laiku.

Mācību materiāli būs ielikti plastmasas maisā un mēs iesakam to neatvērt vismaz divas dienas. Sliktu laika apstākļu gadījumā grāmatas tiks izsniegtas zālē. Lūdzu sekojiet skolas personāla norādijumiem konkrētajā dienā, ja grāmatas tiks izsniegtas zālē.

Kā vienmēr es pateicos par Jūsu atbalstu un tiklīdz būs iespejams es Jūs informēšu par turpmāko situacijas attīstību.

Ar cieņu,

Ms. Coen.

Collection/ Distribution of Books

School Books and Resources 
According to the Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business issued by the Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Health, only staff can access our school building on the 18th of May for the organisation and distribution of remote of learning.

Therefore, in line with Public Health advice we will gather all books, workbooks, copies and work belonging to each child and place it in a bag which will be labelled clearly with your daughters name. In order to distribute the books to each family this process will take some time as there is a minimum number of staff allowed into the building each day.

Notice and clear guidance will be issued to families regarding the collection of school materials in the coming weeks. A text will also be sent. Please ensure to check your texts regularly and the website for further updates. 

Please be patient as we endeavour to do our best under the circumstances to ensure the safety of staff and all those in our school family. 

Is mise le meas,

Ms. Coen

Paper Clipart Copy - Book Report Clip Art - Png Download - Full ...

Message from The Senior Child and Family Support Network

The Senior Child and Family Support Network (CFSN) Co-ordinator in Carlow would like to let parents know that they are still providing and co-ordinating services for children, young people and families in the county. Due to the current Covid-19 situation, the ways in which supports are being provided have been altered to best meet the needs of families, while adhering to governmental guidelines. The CFSN Co-ordinator provides support for all families, whether or not they have been engaged with Tusla previously, these supports can include access to counselling; family support; supports for young children and teenagers; therapy online or on the phone, or help with food and practical supports. If you would like to find out more, please contact your local Snr CFSN Co-ordinator: Sandra Collins 087 3802163

Sandra Collins

Senior Co-ordinator Child and Family Support Network

TUSLA Child and Family Agency

Athy Road

Carlow R93 X9C2

087 3802163


School Transport – Applications for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Transport during the current Covid-19 Period of Restrictions

Dear Parents/ Guardians,In light of the evolving situation with COVID-19, and in order to ensure continuity during this period of restrictions for the benefit of children who require Special Educational Needs (SEN) Transport, the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Department of Education and Skills (DES) have agreed a temporary process to allow for SEN Transport applications to continue to be submitted at this time.  This process is set out below and replaces on a temporary basis the current process which heavily relies on the postal system, with a process whereby applications may be submitted and accepted via email.

The temporary process is as follows:

  1. A Word version of the SEN Transport Application form will be made available on both the DES and the NCSE website. The parent/guardian will complete the relevant section of the application form.  The parent/guardian is asked to type their name in the signature section.  The parent/guardian will email the form and copies of professional report/s to the school.  The school will complete the relevant section/s and forward the application form and reports via email to the relevant Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) from an official school email address.   (If steps 2, 3 and 4 do not apply, the next step for the school is step 5)

 OR – where the parent/guardian does not have the facility to complete the form, steps 2, 3 and 4 apply

  1. The parent/guardian is asked to email School Transport Section in the DES via a dedicated email address, details of which will be available on the DES and NCSE websites, giving School Transport Section within the DES authorisation to complete the application form on their behalf.  They should include in the email all the details that would normally be provided on the relevant section of the application form – name of child, gender, address, eircode, DOB, disability category, etc.  There will also be a dedicated phone helpline for parents to contact if they wish to give this detail over the phone to a member of staff in School Transport Section, details of which will also be available of the DES and NCSE websites.
  2. School Transport Section will complete the form on the parent/guardian’s behalf.  When the form is complete, School Transport Section will send it by email to the parent/guardian asking them to confirm that the detail is correct and advise that in confirming that they also understand and confirm agreement to the T&Cs of the scheme and they are aware of why their data is required and how it will be used. The parent /guardian should forward the professional reports to the school for association with the application.
  3. Upon receipt of confirmation from the parent, School Transport Section will email the application form to the school and will inform the school that the Section has been authorised to complete the form on behalf of the parent/guardian.
  4. The school will complete the relevant section/s of the form and will email it to the relevant SENO from an official school email address.  The professional reports should also be forwarded by the school to the SENO.  If this is not possible, the report/s should be emailed from the author of the report to the NCSE.
  5. Once the application is received by the NCSE, the SENO will contact the parent/guardian, in advance of reviewing the application, to confirm that consent has been given explicitly for the processing of the child’s information as part of the application process.
  6. The SENO will complete the form, including the report on the recommendation for transport and will forward the application form to School Transport Section for review and a decision on eligibility for transport.
  7. The application will be processed in the normal manner by School Transport Section.  Communications with Parents/Guardians during this temporary arrangement period will be via email or phone call, using the contact details provided on the application form.

Details of the dedicated School Transport Section if you require assistance in making an application is 087-4107037.

If you have any queries in regard to this process please email:  or

School Transport Section, Department of Education and Skills
National Council for Special Education
27th April 2020

Communion and Confirmation 2020

Good morning to you all,

An update has come from Bishop Denis (below), regarding the celebration of the Sacrament of Communion and Confirmation this year. Unfortunately, as per his statement, they will be postponed for now. As soon as any new information or updates arrive I will let the families know.

We are thinking of all the children in Second and Sixth class, their families, teachers and friends. We pray for you all and look forward to a day when we can celebrate together.

First Holy Communion & Confirmation: I am very aware that we are entering the ‘high season’ for First Holy Communion ceremonies. I am also conscious that 39 out of our 56 parishes have not yet celebrated Confirmation. In honesty it is difficult to see a huge change post the current restrictions, which expire on May 5th. With that in mind, as First Holy Communion ceremonies are already diaried for the weekends of May, I suggest they, like Confirmation ceremonies are now postponed until we get further guidance regarding large public gatherings.
I want to thank our Principals and teachers for the great work they do in helping prepare our young people for the sacraments, work done in cooperation with the local parish and the families of the young people. I also thank Maeve Mahon, our Coordinator for Primary Education. This is a hugely regretful decision, but it is important that while the ceremonies may be postponed, the preparation continues. In early May resources will be sent out by email from Maeve for parishes and for schools and available to families and the wider community on the KandLe website.



Welcome back

I hope you all had an enjoyable and restful Easter. No doubt the Easter Bunny came with some treats during the holidays. 🐇

As we begin our last term I want to encourage you to keep up all that you have been doing to date. I know it is not easy but together we can succeed.😊 Remember to keep your distance from others if you are out and practise good etiquette around coughing and sneezing.

Your teachers have been very impressed with all your work and I have seen so many examples of writing, drawing, baking and cooking- I am not one but surprised by how amazing they are. Be sure to email them with your updates as it is great knowing that you enjoy the activities prepared for you. If you cannot email that is ok too- we know that everyone is trying their best!

A reminder to all that learning packs are located on the school website. Click the Learning Packs for Covid 19 tab. Select the class. Click on the week of work which you wish to view/ download. Remember, use it as a menu and only do what suits you and your family. If you are unsure email your teacher for further support.Their details can be found on the plan each week.

If you have changed your contact number or have not been receiving any texts from the school, please email immediately. It is vital that the school has up to date contact numbers in the event that we need to make contact with you. 📳

Well done to each and every girl who recently entered our ‘Crackin’ Competition’ for Easter. The entries received were phenomenal. I hope you all had as much fun creating, writing and drawing your entry as I did seeing them. Winners will be announced on Friday, April 24th so keep an eye on our school website…🎉

Stay safe,
