Distribution of Pupils Policy

Policy: Distribution of Students procedure.


Scoil Mhuire Lourdes is committed to enabling and supporting each child to recognise their gifts and to achieve their full potential, while at the same time preparing them to become caring and active members of society. This policy is the product of whole-staff, Board of Management and parental collaboration in Scoil Mhuire Lourdes.


In the interest of providing the best education for all students, this procedural document ensures that distribution of students is achieved in a fair and open way facilitating optimum outcomes for the whole school community.

Aims and Objectives of this Policy

  • To provide a framework that is efficient in the smooth running of the school when distributing students to classes
  • To outline the criteria on which children are selected to be placed in mixed or straight classes
  • To maximise the learning opportunity for the girls through prudent student distribution

Framework for the splitting of classes

At the time of planning the classes for the coming year, the Principal will look at the overall numbers and take account of the Allocation of Teachers (DES circular) for Scoil Mhuire Lourdes. This is usually published in January each year and reflects any changes to the pupil/teacher ratio in the previous Budget. An appeal will be lodged, if there are grounds.

Pending an appeal, the Principal will decide how best to organise classes with a view to providing the best educational opportunities for all children (Circular 16/73). The Principal will explore all options and class combinations in collaboration with the teaching staff.


The principal has overall responsibility for grouping or splitting a class where numbers would otherwise be too big or too small in one class. The DES’ objective is that class size should be as equitable as possible across all class levels. However, the teacher will ensure that each pupil in each class, will be working on the set of skills from the national curriculum for the correct class.


Criteria for placing children in particular class groups


We group the children to maximise the learning outcomes for each child. When dividing a class into groups, to be placed in separate classes, there are certain criteria to be taken into consideration:







  • Children joining the school in Junior Infants are distributed into classes so that there is a fair distribution of:
    • Numbers in the class
    • Age
    • English as an Additional Language Need (as informed by parents)

There will also be opportunity for station teaching in core subjects, particularly in Junior class levels. The divided class will be given daily opportunity to come together. The learning support team will support the class teacher using strategies and methodologies such as parallel / team teaching and differentiation.


  • In subsequent years, effort is made to ensure fair distribution as set out above, but also the fair distribution of:
    • Academic ability
    • Personality types and characteristics


This means it is not always possible to keep friends together but the teachers of each class are consulted with on these issues and much work will go into the planning stage of the arrangement prior to the summer holidays and beyond. Classes that have been split will reunite daily to play together on the playground during breaks so they can maintain existing friendships as well as make new friends in the new group. This increases their circle of friends and their abilities to form new friendships.


This decision will lie ultimately with the Principal, who must consider the needs of every child in the class and thoroughly explore all groupings with middle-management and teachers. Consultation with children or parents will not be entered into, the decision is final.


Roles and Responsibilities


All teachers, under the guidance of the Principal, participate in and contribute to the implementation of effective and equitable student distribution.


Parents and Guardians inform the school of Special Educational Needs that their daughter may have/ which may come to light as the children progresses through the school. Parents and Guardians support the school’s decision regarding student distribution and class allocation.


Success Criteria:

The school evaluates the success of the procedure al document through:

  • Participation of all staff
  • Smooth running of classes
  • Feedback from all staff
  • Student Satisfaction
  • Parental Satisfaction


Signed:            _____________________


Marie Coen

Date:              June 2019






Training takes place on Wednesday from 2.50-3.45pm. Bring your gear to change into after school, water and a gum shield if you have one. Thanks to Ms. Wall and Ms. Byrne for taking the time to do basketball with the girls from 3rd- 6th class.

Basketball Team 2018-2019


Sponsored Jerseys for our school

A huge thank you to Hi Spec Engineering for generously sponsoring a full set of school jerseys for our girls. The student council picked the design with the PA kindly organising their production. The ladies are thrilled with them and look forward to wearing them proudly representing the school.

Active Schools Week 2019

Active Schools Week has been well under way this week with a huge variety of activities, active days out and classroom fun for all. It has been very very busy but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. So far we had;

Monday and Tuesday: GloSoccer with Garry Coady

Wednesday: Boxing with Levina and Dancing with Funk Fusion Tullow

Thursday: Tennis with the local tennis local and the Teachers vs 6th Class Basketball game.

The 6th class put up a great fight and it was close in the end but the teachers narrowly managed to win. Well done all!

In between the girls have had trips to the park, morning and lunchtime active breaks and our usual Walk A Mile.

Tomorrow is the last day do don’t forget your tracksuit for one more day.

A surprise is in store tomorrow for all!!😋 🍦

Pics from the week to follow….

NPC Survey for Parents and Children on School-Age Childcare

Dear Parents,

The Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) have invited submissions on the future regulations and quality improvement frameworks for School-Age Childcare. The National Parents Council Primary have accepted this invitation and welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to the Department of Children and Youth Affairs on behalf of children and parents.

To inform this submission we have designed two surveys, one for parents entitled “You and Your Child’s School Age Childcare” and one for children entitled “Your Childcare”. This is so that both your voice and the voice of your child is heard and informs the NPC submission to the DCYA.

School-Age Childcare is defined as any childcare service for school-age children (4 to 15 years), but does not include the likes of after-school recreational sports clubs, school homework clubs etc (you will find a more detailed definition in the introduction to the survey).

We would like to ensure that parents’ and children’s voices are considered in the future regulations for School-Age Childcare, so we invite you and your child/children to each complete a survey. Please explain to your child/children what childcare is, also you might need to explain some of the questions to your child/children as it is really important that we hear how they feel.

Please click here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/You_and_your_childs_school-age_childcare to take you to the parents’ survey

Please click here https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Childrens_childcare for the children’s survey

I would like to thank you for your time and support with this survey. Please do share the surveys with other parents of children in your child’s school.

If you have any questions around School-Age Childcare please call our helpline who will be happy to assist Tel: 01 8874477.

Kind regards

Michelle Davern

NPC Administrative Officer