Planting in Senior Infants

Ms.Dillon’s Senior Infants have been watching for signs of Spring. We have seen new flowers growing and noticed that the sun is shining!  We decided to plant some watercress seeds. Seeds need water and sunshine to grow so we have been taking great care of them. It was great fun! We have put them in a sunny spot in our classroom and we can’t wait to watch them grow.

Magnetism in Junior Infants

This month Ms. Madden’s class learned about magnetism. We couldn’t wait to see what our magnets would stick to! We had lots of fun experimenting and testing out our theories. The best part was playing with the magnets and discovering what classroom objects were magnetic. Take a look at us working scientifically!

3rd class explore Tullow

The girls in 3rd had a super time exploring their hometown of Tullow. They examined local monuments and the cemetery, examining the past. They visited the Thomas Traynor memorial and found out lots of facts about him. It was great fun!