Halloween Fun Day


This gallery contains 11 photos.

Three Superheroes joined us for our Fun Day! Well done to all the girls, their parents and families for such an amazing effort in Dressing-Up and raising funds for our Spellathon. Rang 6, pictured above, made a great effort for … Continue reading

Planting in Senior Infants

Ms.Dillon’s Senior Infants have been watching for signs of Spring. We have seen new flowers growing and noticed that the sun is shining!  We decided to plant some watercress seeds. Seeds need water and sunshine to grow so we have been taking great care of them. It was great fun! We have put them in a sunny spot in our classroom and we can’t wait to watch them grow.

Winner in Senior Infants

Congratulations to Helen from Senior Infants, who won 1st prize in the garden colouring competition at the recent Bloom Garden Festival in Dublin. Helen won a gold medal and a Garda activity pack for everyone in the class. Well done- you did us all proud!

Shape Hunt in Maths

Senior Infants have been learning all about shapes and their attributes. Today they went on a hunt for some shapes around the playground which have escaped! It was great fun and they learned lots about each.