Tadhg Griffin comes to visit!


This gallery contains 8 photos.

This week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, girls in 3rd & 4th, and 5th & 6th had a visitor- Tadhg Griffin. He is a a wonderful musician who shared his talent and passion for music with us. Classes sing along with Tadhg … Continue reading

Author visiting in 3rd and 4th

To celebrate World Book Week Jackie Burke, a popular children’s author, visited 3rd and 4th classes. The girls very much enjoyed Jackie’s visit. They shared their enthusiasm for writing and reading with Jackie by discussing writing tips, inspirational ideas and favourite authors. We have lots of budding authors in our school!

Halloween Fun Day


This gallery contains 11 photos.

Three Superheroes joined us for our Fun Day! Well done to all the girls, their parents and families for such an amazing effort in Dressing-Up and raising funds for our Spellathon. Rang 6, pictured above, made a great effort for … Continue reading

4th class school tour 2017

4th class school tour to the National Heritage Park and Wexford Leisure Max Activity Centre

4th class girls enjoyed an interactive guided tour of the National Heritage Park Wexford recently. In this outdoor Museum park, depicting 9000 years of recreated Irish history, the girls enjoyed investigating and comparing Ancient Irish Lifestyles with modern day life in a fun manner.

In the Leisure Max Activity Centre all the girls participated in fun activities, learning some new skills and developing friendships and team building skills. We also celebrated a birthday there!

An exciting fun day was had by all.